مراسلتنا لينا يعقوب
◀️ عاجل: وزير التربية يعلن الغاء امتحانات شهادة البروفيه
◀️ رئيس اتحادات قطاع النقل بسام طليس يدعوا الى إضراب عام يوم الأربعاء ويطلب من المواطنين ركن جميع السيارات والباصات العمومية لشلّ البلد
⚠️مرجع ديني يوجه نداء إلى من يهمه الأمر: لبنان في قلب الجحيم والآتي أخطر! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
🌐تابعونا على واتساب👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Source: Professor Soraya Ayoub, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine
This time the virus is back with more energy, tactics and camouflage.
No cough, no fever, it’s joint pain, weakness, loss of appetite
And covid pneumonia!
Of course, the death rate is higher, it takes less time to reach the extreme. Sometimes there are no symptoms…let’s be careful…
The strain is not native to our pharynx!
It directly affects the lungs, which means window periods are shortened.
I have seen a number of patients without fever, but the X-ray report shows moderate chest pneumonia!
Nasal swab is often negative for COVID19!
There are more and more nasopharyngeal false COVID19 tests… which means the virus is spreading directly to the lungs causing acute respiratory distress due to viral pneumonia! This explains why it has become more dangerous and more deadly!!!
Let’s be careful, avoid crowded places, wear face masks, and wash our hands often.
wave more deadly than the first. So we have to be very careful and take every precaution.
Please become an alert communicator between friends and family…
Do not keep this information to yourself, share it with your family and friends.
Source: Mrs. Soraya Ayoub